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The Student News Site of P.L. Dunbar Young Men's Leadership Academy

The Gentlemen's Bugle

The Gentlemen's Bugle

The Gentlemen's Bugle

Omar Sigala, Website Manager/Author

I am a freshman from the class of 2025 who currently attends the Paul Laurence Dunbar Young Men’s Leadership Academy.

I spend most of my time studying, going out with friends, trying new things, and working my part-time job, as a cashier at Ol’ South Pancake House in Fort Worth.

I’m a chaotic energy, I don’t consider myself to be ethical, I can be but I think it’s fun to take risks, yet I am fair.

I joined The Gentlemen’s Bugle staff in late 2021 and have learned what journalism is all about. I love being creative and keeping up with things around me. After all, our Earth is filled with topics to be reported.

The best part of my job? Getting the truth out to those who want it.

All content by Omar Sigala
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