I never personally knew Jorge until I realized he knew my cousin. After this, I started to get to know more and more, little by little who Jorge Quiroz really is and what he believes in.
I begin talking to Jorge by asking him questions that have to do with his life and experiences in YMLA.
What is the hardest challenge you have faced in YMLA? -“I didn’t feel like doing work in class, it was difficult to focus”. This is something that many people can relate to.
If you could go back to 6th grade to change anything, what would you change?- “nothing, pretty happy with the way things turned out.”
Who has helped you the most in YMLA? Which teacher had a bigger impact on you?- “Ms. Smith or Mr.Kincade: They were pretty helpful when it came to what to do after high school”. This shows how Quiroz’s favorite teacher has had many impacts on his life, even after he graduates.
Last Question- What advice would you give to a middle scholar?-“Don’t take too many advanced classes at once, so that you won’t be overwhelmed”-These are the final word of Quiroz, but they are not the final words of his story, or his legacy
I hope to see what Jorge will be doing in the near future, I hope to see him again once he graduates.