J Ivory Thomas – Staying Committed To My Dream!
A moment of realization – this is real, I’m a Senior. I’ve come so far, through trials and tribulations. I’ve made goals – HAVE goals, matter a fact DREAMS; that, from this moment forth, are my priorities.
For those of you who may not know me, my name is J Ivory Thomas, I’m 18 years old and have attended YMLA since sixth grade in 2015. Through my years here, I’ve participated in programs like: Epsilon Pi, Generation Hope, Fort Worth Afterschool program, the Anime club, and Basketball Team. In these programs, I established myself, and made friendships I hold to this day. In this time many came to know me for my name and its uniqueness. It’s not often you meet a “J”, or guy named after elephants.
Outside of school, you could find me with friends, on the game playing Dragon Ball Fighter Z (add my gamertag: ggz creo) or on the basketball court. I think I gained the friends I have now, because of the way I interact with others; I can’t describe it much better than “I’m unique, I’m just different.”
The Iconic Triple
Ricky Sanders, Chris Edwards, and I
- Chris’ perspective:
It all started sophomore year right before Covid. We were all invited to Ricky’s birthday party; had a great time. The friend group was there but no one knew how tight we would get. Christmas break came and I was getting ready to move into a new house, Ricky and J volunteered to help. They stayed over for like a week, we had a ton of fun, and have been beyond close since then. Over the pandemic Ricky and Braedon really helped get J and I out of our shells. Our interests aligned and we began pouring time and thought into our TKE anime company. And although I would describe J as a sociopath (all jokes), I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for him – us.
My childhood has been huge in shaping the person I am today. And although I can’t share it all, I must say that my favorite childhood memory was The year my brother came home from Wisconsin. He lived with us for about a year and a half and this time with my brother meant the world. It was one of the happiest times of my life so far. After the year, he did go off to the navy; but I appreciate this more than many could imagine.

Looking back, YMLA gave me a place to be myself, grow as a young man, and have fun all the way; I have no bad memories here, only good. I still remember and cherish my first points scored for the basketball team. Wrapping up senior year however, I must say it has been chill. If I could do anything differently I would have worked harder in my classes. I thank YMLA for everything you’ve done to cultivate and empower me. I look forward to graduation, celebratory parties with friends, and college. I will attend UNT in the fall, studying business and creative writing.
I’m looking forward to building new friendships, meeting new crowds of people, and starting a new life. College will help me to accomplish my life goal of creating my own production company, creating American anime. In 5 years, I plan to have gotten my company off of the ground and have at least created my first full film. Fast forward to 10 years, and I will have my company’s head building. And lastly, in 20 years I will have a franchise for sure with productions out and company success. It is a priority for me.
To my close loved ones:
Thank you for everything and I love y’all for real! Without you all I don’t know where I’d be.
My advice for the brotherhood:
Don’t get involved in unnecessary things, and No Matter What – don’t let people around you steer you off your track!