Hau Khual is a current senior attending YMLA in the years 2021-2022, and since he will be graduating this year, I Have chosen to interview him. My main focus was to see how YMLA affected him and impacted his life, and what he plans on doing in the future for himself and does around him. I approach Hau with different questions on how his experience at YMLA affected his life and how it changed his future for the better.
What is the hardest challenge you have faced in YMLA? -“The hardest challenge I ever had to face was picking up a leadership position. I needed to be a leader in JROTC when my class leader was not there. I took the position as leader.” This surprised me because I never knew someone could hold a position as a leader and be comminited to it.
What is your favorite field trip you have gone to?-“The college campuses because they show what college is like and the size of the campuses make me feel at ease. Also the food was good and the vibe was good as well.” This gives an Idea of what Hau will do once he eventually graduates school.
What made you keep going in life?-“My parents and my siblings and my fate in religion. I’m a christian and my fate in religion makes me keep going in life and my parents keep me going by making me the first to graduate in my family.”- This response let me get more detail on why Hau keeped going forward in life. This here inspires people to do better themselves and do better for others as well.
What advice would you give to a middle scholar?-“Keep working hard and keep excellence to keep and overcome different challenges in your life.” Hau is saying how his previous life as a high school student has had many ups and downs, but he still has life advice for new middle school students.
Picture of Young Hau(9th Grade) walking down the old hallways of the old YMLA building with some fellow scholars.