Max Ayala is a former YMLA student from the class of 2020. He used to be Cadet of Command (COC) of the JROTC program here and continues to strive after high school. He also played soccer and track during the time he was here. He also took 5-6 college courses here at the school and says that it definitely helped prepare him for the work going into college.
In college he is in pre-med and industrial engineering. He plans to switch over to chemical engineering because he loves chemistry. He says that Ms. Smith, Mr. Parker and Coach Conley prepared him to get where he is today. He also mentioned that Mr. Scott’s class definitely helped him with figuring out what field of engineering he wanted to go into to and helped him realize how much he loved engineering. He definitely enjoys college life and makes it seem like a once in a lifetime experience for those who aspire to go.